Renter Insight NSF Return Codes

ACH Payment Returns (NSF)-Return Codes

ACH/E-Check Returns

If your resident payment is returned, you will receive an email from Zego (Powered by PayLease) with the details of the returned payment.  To understand why the payment was returned, open the Excel File that is attached to the email and look at the return code.  See below for definitions for each code.

Please note, all payments will automatically be reversed within Renter Insight Accounting and an email will be sent to the resident notifying them of the failed payment.

ACH/E-Check Return Codes:

R01: Insufficient Funds

The available and/or cash reserve balance is not sufficient to cover the dollar value of the debit entry.


R02: Account Closed

A previously active account has been closed by action of the customer or the RDFI.


R03: No Account/Unable to Locate Account

The account number structure is valid and it passes the check digit validation, but the account number does not correspond to the individual identified in the entry, or the account number designated is not an open account. [The account number structure is valid and it passes the check digit validation, but the account number does not correspond to the individual identified in the entry, or the account number designated is not an open account. (Note: This Return Reason Code may not be used to return POP entries that do not contain an Individual Name.) ]


R04: Invalid Account Number

The account number structure is not valid. The entry may fail the check digit validation or may contain an incorrect number of digits.


R05: Unauthorized Debit Entry

Account number structure not valid: entry may fail check digit validation or may contain incorrect number of digits


R06: Returned per ODFI's Request

The ODFI has requested that the RDFI return the ACH entry. If the RDFI agrees to return the entry, the ODFI must indemnify the RDFI according to Article Five (Return, Adjustment, Correction, and Acknowledgment of Entries and Entry Information) of these Rules.


R07: Authorization Revoked by Customer (adjustment entries)

The RDFI's customer (the Receiver) has revoked the authorization previously provided to the Originator for this particular transaction. The Receiver may request immediate credit from the RDFI for an unauthorized debit. The request must be made in writing within fifteen (15) days after the RDFI sends or makes available to the Receiver information pertaining to that debit entry. The Receiver must also provide the RDFI with an executed affidavit declaring and swearing under oath that the authorization for the debit entry has been revoked by the Receiver. The RDFI must return the rescinded transaction to its ACH Operator by its deposit deadline for the adjustment entry to be made available to the ODFI no later than the opening of business on the banking day following the sixtieth calendar day following the Settlement Date of the original entry. This code and related Operating Rule provisions apply to Consumer entries only. [(Note: This Return Reason Code may not be used for POP entries) ]


R08: Payment Stopped or Stop Payment on Item

The Receiver of a recurring debit transaction has the right to stop payment on any specific ACH debit. A stop payment request should be handled in accordance with the provisions of Article Seven (Recall, Stop Payment, Recredit, and Adjustment) of these Rules. The RDFI should verify the Receiver's intent when a request for stop payment is made to ensure this is not intended to be a revocation of authorization (R07). A stop payment order shall remain in effect until the earliest of the following occurs: a lapse of six months from the date of the stop payment order, payment of the debit entry has been stopped, or the Receiver withdraws the stop payment order.


The RDFI determines that a stop payment order has been placed on the item to which the PPD debit entry constituting notice of presentment or the PPD Accounts Receivable Truncated Check Debit Entry relates. [The RDFI determines that a stop payment order has been placed on the item to which the PPD Accounts Receivable Truncated Check Debit Entry relates.] An RDFI using this Return Reason Code must transmit the return entry by its ACH Operator's deposit deadline for the return entry to be made available to the ODFI no later than the opening of business on the banking day following the sixtieth calendar day following the Settlement Date of the PPD debit entry to which the item relates.


R09: Uncollected Funds

Sufficient book or ledger balance exists to satisfy the dollar value of the transaction, but the dollar value of transactions in the process of collection (i.e., uncollected checks) brings the available and/or cash reserve balance below the dollar value of the debit entry.


R10: Customer Advises Not Authorized; Item Is Ineligible, Notice Not Provided, Signatures Not Genuine, or Item Altered (adjustment entries)

For entries to Consumer Accounts that are not PPD debit entries constituting notice of presentment or PPD Accounts Receivable Truncated Check Debit Entries in accordance with Article Two, subsection 2.1.4(2), the RDFI has been notified by its customer, the Receiver, that the Originator of a given transaction has not been authorized to debit his account. [For entries to Consumer Accounts that are not PPD Accounts Receivable Truncated Check Debit Entries in accordance with Article Two, subsection 2.1.4(2) (Authorization/Notification for PPD Accounts Receivable Truncated Check Debit Entries), the RDFI has been notified by its customer, the Receiver, that the Originator of a given transaction has not been authorized to debit his account.] The Receiver may request immediate credit from the RDFI for an unauthorized debit. The request must be made in writing within fifteen (15) days after the RDFI sends or makes available to the Receiver information pertaining to that debit entry. The Receiver must also provide the RDFI with an executed affidavit declaring and swearing under oath that the debit entry was not authorized by the Receiver. For purposes of this code and related Operating Rules provisions, a debit entry was not authorized by the Receiver if (1) the authorization requirements of Article Two, subsection 2.1.2 (Receiver Authorization and Agreement) have not been met; (2) the debit entry was initiated in an amount greater than that authorized by the Receiver; or (3) the debit entry was initiated for settlement earlier than authorized by the Receiver. An unauthorized debit entry does not include a debit entry initiated with fraudulent intent by the Receiver or any person acting in concert with the Receiver. The RDFI must return the rescinded transaction to its ACH Operator by its deposit deadline for the adjustment entry to be made available to the ODFI no later than the opening of business on the banking day following the sixtieth calendar day following the Settlement Date of the original entry. This code and related Operating Rule provisions apply to Consumer entries only.


For PPD debit entries constituting notice of presentment, the RDFI has been notified by its customer, the Receiver, that (1) the item to which the PPD debit entry relates is ineligible as provided for within Article Two, subsection 2.8.2 (Eligible Item), (2) the required notice was not provided by the Originator in accordance with Article Three, subsection 3.5.2 (Notice Obligation), (3) all signatures on the item to which the PPD debit entry constituting notice of presentment relates are not authentic or authorized, or (4) the item to which the PPD debit entry constituting notice of presentment relates has been altered. The Receiver may request immediate credit from the RDFI for a PPD debit entry constituting notice of presentment for the reasons described above. The request must be made in writing within fifteen (15) days after the RDFI sends or makes available to the Receiver information pertaining to that debit entry. The Receiver must also provide the RDFI with an executed affidavit declaring and swearing under oath that (1) the item to which the debit entry relates is ineligible, (2) the required notice was not provided, (3) all signatures on the item to which the PPD debit entry constituting notice of presentment relates are not authentic or authorized, or (4) the item to which the PPD debit entry constituting notice of presentment relates has been altered. An RDFI using this Return Reason Code must transmit the return entry by its ACH Operator's deposit deadline for the return entry to be made available to the ODFI no later than the opening of business on the banking day following the sixtieth calendar day following the Settlement Date of the PPD debit entry to which the item relates. [Effective September 15, 2000, with the implementation of the RCK format, the PPD Standard Entry Class Code will no longer be available for use for re-presented check entry transactions. This paragraph will be removed as it will no longer be relevant to the description of Return Reason Code R10.]


For PPD Accounts Receivable Truncated Check Debit Entries, the RDFI has been notified by its customer, the Receiver, that (1) the item to which the PPD debit entry relates is ineligible as provided for within Article Two, subsection 2.9.2 (Eligible Item), (2) the required notice was not provided by the Originator in accordance with Article Three, subsection 3.6.1 (Notice Obligation), (3) all signatures on the item to which the PPDAccounts Receivable Truncated Check Debit Entry relates are not authentic or authorized, or the item to which the PPD Accounts Receivable Truncated Check Debit Entry relates has been altered, or (4) the Receiver has provided notice to the Originator not to truncate the item to which this entry relates in accordance with Article Two, subsection 2.1.4(2) (Authorization/Notification for PPD Accounts Receivable Truncated Check Debit Entries). The Receiver may request immediate credit from the RDFI for a PPD Accounts Receivable Truncated Check Debit Entry for the reasons described above. The request must be made in writing within fifteen (15) days after the RDFI sends or makes available to the Receiver information relating to that debit entry. The Receiver must also provide the RDFI with an executed affidavit declaring and swearing under oath that (1) the item to which the debit entry relates is ineligible, (2) the required notice was not provided, (3) all signatures on the item to which the PPD Accounts Receivable Truncated Check Debit Entry relates are not authentic or authorized, or the item to which the PPD Accounts Receivable Truncated Check Debit Entry relates has been altered, or (4) the Receiver has provided notice to the Originator not to truncate the item to which this entry relates. An RDFI using this Return Reason Code must transmit the return entry by its ACH Operator's deposit deadline for the return entry to be made available to the ODFI no later than the opening of business on the banking day following the sixtieth calendar day following the Settlement Date of the PPD debit entry to which the item relates.

R11: Check Truncation Entry Return (Specify) or State Law Affecting Acceptance of PPD Debit Entry

Constituting Notice of Presentment or PPD Accounts Receivable Truncated Check Debit Entry [Check Truncation Entry Return (Specify) or State Law Affecting Acceptance of PPD Accounts Receivable Truncated Check Debit Entry]

To be used when returning a check truncation entry. This reason for return should be used only if no other return reason code is applicable. The RDFI should use the appropriate field in the addenda record to specify the reason for return (i.e., "exceeds dollar limit," "no match on ARP," "stale date," etc.).


For PPD debit entries constituting notice of presentment or PPD Accounts Receivable Truncated Check Debit Entries, either [For PPD Accounts Receivable Truncated Check Debit Entries, either]

  1. the RDFI is located in a state that has not adopted Revised Article 4 of the Uniform Commercial Code (1990 Official Text) and has not revised its customer agreements to allow for electronic presentment. Or
  2. the RDFI is located in a state that requires all canceled checks to a specific type of account to be returned to the Receiver within the periodic statement.

A PPD debit entry constituting notice of presentment of an eligible item as defined by Article Two, subsection 2.8.2 (Eligible Item) or a PPD Accounts Receivable Truncated Check Debit Entry as defined by Article Two, subsection 2.9.2 (Eligible Item) returned using this Return Reason Code must be transmitted by the RDFI to its ACH Operator no later than midnight of the second banking day following the banking day of receipt of the presentment notice. [A PPD Accounts Receivable Truncated Check Debit Entry as defined by Article Two, subsection 2.9.2 (Eligible Item) returned using this Return Reason Code must be transmitted by the RDFI to its ACH Operator no later than midnight of the second banking day following the banking day of receipt of the presentment notice.]


R12: Branch Sold to Another DFI

A financial institution may continue to receive entries destined for an account at a branch that has been sold to another financial institution. Because the RDFIno longer maintains the account and is unable to post the entry, it should return the entry to the ODFI.


R13-RDFI not qualified to participate

The routing number associated with this EFT belongs to a bank that doesn't accept ACH transactions.


There was a typo when entering the routing number.


R14: Representative Payee Deceased or Unable to Continue in that Capacity

The representative payee is a person or institution authorized to accept entries on behalf of one or more other persons, such as legally incapacitated adults or minor children. The representative payee is either deceased or unable to continue in that capacity. The beneficiary is not deceased.


R15: Beneficiary or Account Holder (Other Than a Representative Payee) Deceased

  1. The beneficiary is the person entitled to the benefits and is deceased. The beneficiary may or may not be the account holder; or
  2. The account holder (acting in a non-representative payee capacity) is an owner of the account and is deceased.


R16: Account Frozen

The funds in the account are unavailable due to specific action taken by the RDFI or by legal action.


R17: File Record Edit Criteria (Specify)

Some fields that are not edited by the ACH Operatorare edited by the RDFI. If the entry cannot be processed by the RDFI, the field(s) causing the processing error must be identified in the addenda record information field of the return.


R20: Non-Transaction Account

The ACH entry destined for a non-transaction account, as defined in Regulation D, would include either an account against which transactions are prohibited or limited or a pass- through where the entry is for a credit union or thrift organization and Regulation E descriptive requirements cannot be met.


R21: Invalid Company Identification

The identification number used in the Company Identification Field is not valid. This Return Reason Code will normally be used on CIE transactions.


R22: Invalid Individual ID Number

In CIE and MTE entries, the Individual ID Number is used by the Receiver to identify the account. The Receiver has indicated to the RDFI that the number with which the Originator was identified is not correct.


R23: Credit Entry Refused by Receiver

The Receiver may return a credit entry because one of the following conditions exists: (1) a minimum amount required by the Receiver has not been remitted; (2) the exact amount required has not been remitted; (3) the account is subject to litigation and the Receiver will not accept the transaction; (4) acceptance of the transaction results in an overpayment; (5) the Originator is not known by the Receiver; or (6) the Receiver has not authorized this credit entry to this account.


R24: Duplicate Entry

The RDFI has received what appears to be a duplicate entry; i.e., the trace number, date, dollar amount and/or other data matches another transaction. This code should be used with extreme care. The RDFI should be aware that if a file has been duplicated, the Originator may have already generated a reversal transaction to handle the situation.


R29: Corporate Customer Advises Not Authorized

The RDFI has been notified by the Receiver (non-consumer) that the Originator of a given transaction has not been authorized to debit the Receiver's account.


R31: Permissible Return Entry (CCD and CTX only)

The RDFI has been notified by the ODFI that the ODFI agrees to accept a CCD or CTX return entry in accordance with Article Seven, section 7.3 (ODFIAgrees to Accept CCD or CTXReturn).


R33: Return of XCK Entry

The RDFI determines at its sole discretion to return an XCK entry. This return reason code may only be used to return XCK entries. An XCK entry may be returned up to sixty days after its Settlement Date.

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